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Portugal. Drawing the World (Ed. em português)

<p>Exhibition Catalogue - Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art (MNHA, Luxembourg)</p>
<p>Showcasing an exceptional collection of works, loaned from the collection of Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga (MNAA, Lisbon) as well as other cultural institutes of Portugal, reflects on the Portugese quest to create a global empire from Africa to Asia and South America, this exhibition seeks to recount the long and fascinating journey of this almost nine-century-old country, still emerging from a process of trans-culturality, together with the history of the paths that led the Portuguese to the four continents, the fabled Cape Route, the trade networks created, and the religious missionaries who saw not only an opportunity to proselytise but also to develop the study and knowledge of other cultures.</p>
<p>ISBN: 978-287-985-449-6<br /> Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art, 2017</p>
<p>Also available in <a href="/en/shop/catalog/asset/portugal-drawing-world-ed-em-ingles/" target="_self">English</a></p>

Exhibition Catalogue - Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art (MNHA, Luxembourg)

Showcasing an exceptional collection of works, loaned from the collection of Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga (MNAA, Lisbon) as well as other cultural institutes of Portugal, reflects on the Portugese quest to create a global empire from Africa to Asia and South America, this exhibition seeks to recount the long and fascinating journey of this almost nine-century-old country, still emerging from a process of trans-culturality, together with the history of the paths that led the Portuguese to the four continents, the fabled Cape Route, the trade networks created, and the religious missionaries who saw not only an opportunity to proselytise but also to develop the study and knowledge of other cultures.

ISBN: 978-287-985-449-6
Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art, 2017

Also available in English

Reference: IPPBLIV17768001



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Arraiolos Rugs

Reference: IPPBLIV00674301

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