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Património Cultural

José Vianna da Motta. 50 anos depois da sua morte - 1948-1998

José Vianna da Motta. 50 anos depois da sua morte - 1948-1998

José Viana da Mota is justifiably recognised as one of the principal exponents of Portuguese music at the beginning of the 20th century, his life taking in not only composition and performance, but also teaching and criticism. The Music Museum undertook the challenge of marking the 50th anniversary of his death with an extensive retrospective of his life and work, bringing together a carefully selected sample of objects, records and other items such as photographs, paintings, correspondence, scores, concert programmes, newspaper cuttings, handwritten jottings, books from Viana da Mota’s personal library and sound recordings.

Reference: IPPBLIV98624162

Local: Lisboa

Edition: Instituto Português de Museus / Museu da Música

ISBN: 972-776-011-2

Date: Jan. 1, 1998

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