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Património Cultural

Conservação e Restauro

José de Figueiredo

One of the responsibilities of the Directorate General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC) is to implement the policy of safeguarding, researching and conserving movable cultural assets and associated architectural decorations belonging to the State, and to other public and private entities. In order to pursue this policy, the DGPC assigns the following responsibilities to the José de Figueiredo Laboratory:

  • To decide on the viability of projects for conservation and restoration of movable cultural heritage, listed or awaiting listing, as well as carry out conservation and restoration works on movable cultural heritage of national or public interest or, on an exceptional basis, on non-listed property bearing historic, artistic, technical or scientific value that will justify becoming a benchmark in safeguarding and conserving the movable cultural heritage;

  • o To carry out or promote, by its own means or in cooperation with other national or international entities, research projects in areas such as conservation and restoration, techniques of artistic production and materials science; to conduct studies on the causes of decay of any cultural object materials and to define methodologies for safeguarding them;

  • To propose measures ...

    + José de Figueiredo Laboratory

Áreas de Atuação

Integram o LJF, no quadro ou em regime de colaboração, profissionais com vasta experiência nas diferentes áreas de especialização. Conservadores-restauradores, físicos, químicos, biólogos e técnicos de fotografia e radiografia, constituem as equipas multidisciplinares que permitem a implementação e o desenvolvimento da disciplina da conservação.

Para além da especificidade de cada área de intervenção, é objectivo comum a defesa e preservação dos bens culturais, baseada em princípios éticos internacionalmente aceites.

Os estudos e as intervenções são documentados de forma sistemática, dando corpo ao Arquivo Técnico de Conservação e Restauro, repositório fundamental para a compreensão e estudo das obras intervencionadas, e apoiadas pelo espólio bibliográfico especializado existente na Biblioteca da Conservação e dos Museus.

+ Áreas de Atuação

Studies and Projects

Studies and Projects

The Jose de Figueiredo Laboratory conducts studies and develops projects to intervene in movable heritage. Its aim is to safeguard and preserve relevant national heritage assets by investing in their sustainable and long-term conservation.

+ Study and projects

Its studies and projects are meant to be comprehensive and multidisciplinary approaches to various fields of research, conservation and restoration, training, and dissemination.

The use of different tests and analysis in the analytic laboratory allows us to conduct research on materials and their pathologies, and to apply appropriate conservation methods.

Comparative studies are carried out whenever it is required, thereby opening new lines of research, and giving rise to specialised publications.

To this end, we engage in partnerships with universities and other entities with funding programmes, such as the Foundation for Science and Technology.

In this section, it is possible to learn about the studies and projects that we are currently developing, as well as the most recent conservation and restoration interventions.


Neste espaço poderá encontrar textos produzidos pelas equipas do Laboratório José de Figueiredo, estando alguns disponíveis em pdf.

+ Publicações


The LJF is responsible for promoting academic and professional internships, as well as supporting research projects in the different areas of conservation-restoration of movable and integrated cultural assets.

The LJF offers internships in the following areas:

