Ongoing work
Internal training
The DGPC has devised an internal training programme on accessibility to heritage for employees whose work has to do with accessibility issues.
In 2013 the program was targeted to the employees of the Central Services – Department of Studies, Projects, Works, and Supervision (DEPOF), Division of Documentation, Communication, and Information Technology (DDCI), and Department of Museums and Accreditation (DMC).
In 2014 we extended the program to the Monuments, Palaces and Museus under the umbrella of the DGPC, and to the Portuguese Museum's Network.
Diagnostic study – Accessibility in the dependent services
We are conducting a study on the accessibility conditions of our museums and monuments with the aim of making a systematic analysis of the current situation, identifying the main problems, formulating suggestions to overcome them, and defining priorities for action.
In 2013 the study focused on our Monuments and in 2014 on Palaces and Museums. Because we consider accessibility to be an integrated public service, we have considered 10 priority themes to be examined:1 – Building; 2 – Location and orientation; 3 – Exhibitions; 4 – Communication and Dissemination; 5 – Safety; 6 – Consulting; 7 – Training; 8 – Employment and volunteering; 9 – Evaluation; 10 – Management policy.
The results of the study will be disclosed in due course.